Course curriculum

    1. Materials and Sourcing Guide

    1. Elements of a Multi-Layered Organic Design

    1. The Challenges of Fulling a Textured, Multi Dimensional Hood

    1. Preparing The Hood for Fulling: Wet-Felting the Petals

    2. Fulling The Hood and The Petals – Part One

    3. Fulling the Hood and the Petals – Part Two

    4. Finishing Touches – Blocking and Palm Rolling

    5. Sculpting and Shaving the Hood and The Petals

    6. The Final Shape – Sculpting And Ironing The Hood And The Petals

    1. Introduction to a New Chapter: Conscious Creation

    2. The Template for Rhea

    3. A Roadmap to Creating Rhea

    1. The Layout With Prefelt

    2. Calculating the Target Weight and the Layout Step-by-Step

    3. Empty Layout Chart

About this course

  • €497,00
  • 23 lessons
  • 7.5 hours of video content

Discover the art of layered elegance!